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Business plan vs. feasibility study

Business plan vs. feasibility study

A business plan and a feasibility study are two different documents that serve distinct purposes. While a business plan is a comprehensive document outlining a company’s strategy, operations, and financials, a feasibility study is a preliminary analysis of a business idea’s viability. In this article, we will define and compare business plans and feasibility studies, provide examples, and examine case studies to illustrate their differences.

Business Plan:

A business plan is a formal document that outlines a company’s strategy, operations, and financials. It is typically used to secure funding or guide a company’s growth. A business plan should include an executive summary, company overview, market analysis, marketing and sales strategy, operations plan, financial projections, and funding requirements. A business plan is a comprehensive roadmap that outlines the company’s goals and how it plans to achieve them.


A startup that plans to develop a new app may create a business plan that outlines its vision, target market, and marketing strategy. The plan may also include detailed financial projections, staffing plan, and funding requirements. The business plan would be used to secure funding and guide the company’s growth strategy.

Case Study:

Uber’s business plan was instrumental in securing funding and launching its ride-hailing platform. The company’s business plan outlined its vision for disrupting the taxi industry and creating a new market for on-demand transportation. The plan included details on the technology, marketing strategy, and financial projections. The business plan helped Uber secure funding and launch its successful platform.

Feasibility Study:

A feasibility study is a preliminary analysis of a business idea’s viability. It is typically conducted before a business plan is developed to determine if a business idea is worth pursuing. A feasibility study should include an analysis of the market, competition, potential customers, resources required, and the financial feasibility of the business idea. A feasibility study is a preliminary assessment of whether a business idea is likely to succeed or fail.


A restaurant entrepreneur may conduct a feasibility study to determine if opening a new restaurant is a viable business idea. The study may include an analysis of the local market, competition, and target customer demographics. It may also include an assessment of the resources required, such as the cost of rent, equipment, and staffing. The feasibility study would help the entrepreneur determine if the restaurant is likely to succeed or fail.


Case Study:

The feasibility study was critical in the success of the Sydney Opera House. The project began with a feasibility study to determine if the construction of a world-class performing arts center was financially feasible. The study analyzed the market demand, construction costs, and potential revenue streams. The study ultimately determined that the project was financially feasible, and construction began. Today, the Sydney Opera House is a world-renowned cultural institution and a major tourist attraction.


In conclusion, while a business plan and a feasibility study are both important documents in assessing the viability of a business idea, they serve different purposes. A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines a company’s strategy, operations, and financials. A feasibility study, on the other hand, is a preliminary analysis of a business idea’s viability. By understanding the differences between a business plan and a feasibility study, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions about pursuing their business ideas.

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