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Business plan writing tips

Business plan writing tips

A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines a company’s objectives, strategies, and tactics for achieving success. It is essential for entrepreneurs and business owners to create a well-written business plan to attract investors, secure financing, and guide decision-making. Here are some tips for writing a successful business plan:

Start with an executive summary

The executive summary is the first section of the business plan, but it is often the last section written. This section provides a high-level overview of the entire plan, including the company’s mission, product or service offerings, target market, and financial projections. It is important to keep this section concise and compelling to grab the reader’s attention and entice them to read on.

Example: The executive summary for a new restaurant might read as follows:

Our restaurant, XYZ, is a new farm-to-table concept located in downtown Seattle. We will serve locally-sourced, organic ingredients in a modern, upscale setting. Our target market is affluent foodies who value sustainability and authenticity. We project $1.5 million in revenue in our first year of operation, with a gross profit margin of 60%.


Define your target market

It is essential to have a clear understanding of your target market to develop a successful marketing strategy. This section should include demographic information, such as age, gender, income, and education level, as well as psychographic information, such as lifestyle and values.

Example: The target market for a new fitness studio might be women aged 25-45 with a college education and an interest in wellness and self-care. They value community and social connection and are willing to pay a premium for a high-quality workout experience.

Conduct a SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis is a tool used to evaluate a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis helps business owners identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to capitalize on strengths and opportunities while mitigating weaknesses and threats.

Example: A SWOT analysis for a new online retailer might look like this:

Strengths: Wide product selection, competitive pricing, user-friendly website

Weaknesses: Lack of brand recognition, limited marketing budget, shipping logistics

Opportunities: Growing e-commerce market, increasing demand for niche products, potential for international expansion

Threats: Competition from established retailers, potential for economic downturn, changing consumer trends


Develop a marketing strategy

The marketing strategy section should outline how the company will promote its products or services to its target market. This section should include details about advertising, social media, public relations, events, and other marketing channels.

Example: The marketing strategy for a new online retailer might include the following tactics:

Social media advertising targeting our target market

Search engine optimization (SEO) to improve our website’s visibility in search results

Email marketing to subscribers with personalized recommendations and exclusive offers

Collaborations with influencers and bloggers to increase brand awareness


Provide financial projections

The financial projections section is one of the most critical sections of the business plan. It should include projected income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements for at least three years. It is important to be realistic and conservative when projecting revenue and expenses.

Example: The financial projections for a new fitness studio might look like this:

Year 1:

Revenue: $400,000

Cost of goods sold: $120,000

Gross profit: $280,000

Operating expenses: $200,000

Net income: $80,000

Year 2:

Revenue: $600,000

Cost of goods sold: $180,000

Gross profit: $420,000

Operating expenses: $300,000

Net income: $120,000

Year 3:

Revenue: $800,000

Cost of goods sold: $240,000

Gross profit: $560,000

Operating expenses: $400,000

Net income: $160,000


Include a management team section

The management team section should outline the key players in the company and their roles and responsibilities. This section should include resumes or bios of each team member and their relevant experience and skills.

Example: The management team section for a new tech startup might include the following key players:

CEO: Jane Doe, with 10 years of experience in the tech industry and a successful track record of launching and scaling startups.

CTO: John Smith, with 15 years of experience in software development and expertise in emerging technologies.

CFO: Sarah Lee, with 20 years of experience in finance and accounting and a strong background in fundraising and investor relations.


Seek feedback and revise

Once the business plan is complete, it is essential to seek feedback from trusted advisors, mentors, or potential investors. This feedback can help identify areas for improvement and provide insights on how to make the plan more compelling.

Example: A new restaurant owner might seek feedback from a successful restaurateur or a food industry expert to get advice on menu selection, pricing, and overall concept. This feedback can help the owner refine the business plan and make it more attractive to potential investors.

Case study: Airbnb

Airbnb’s business plan is a great example of a successful business plan that evolved over time. When Airbnb founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia first started the company, they created a simple website that allowed people to rent out air mattresses in their apartment to attendees of a design conference in San Francisco. The founders realized that this concept had potential and began to develop a more comprehensive business plan.

The initial business plan focused on the design conference concept but evolved over time to include a broader vision of creating a global platform for home-sharing. The company’s success led to several rounds of funding and a valuation of over $100 billion.

Airbnb’s business plan included a strong executive summary, a clear target market, a comprehensive SWOT analysis, and detailed financial projections. The company’s marketing strategy focused on creating a strong brand identity and using social media and content marketing to reach its target audience.

The management team section of Airbnb’s business plan included the founders, who had a strong background in design and technology, as well as a seasoned CEO with experience in the hospitality industry.



Writing a successful business plan requires a combination of research, strategy, and creativity. By following these tips and including relevant information, entrepreneurs and business owners can create a compelling business plan that attracts investors, secures financing, and guides decision-making. It is essential to seek feedback and revise the plan as needed to ensure that it reflects the company’s vision and goals.

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